I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
I’ve been up this trail so many times over a two year period. It’s not particularly tough to navigate but it is steep and unclear at some points. It took three tries just to find this ledge, and another 5 or 6 tries before Tahoma granted me something unique. The name I gave to this image is in commemoration of the many trips I took, and will probably still embark on, in a quest for perfection.
I’ve been up this trail so many times over a two year period. It’s not particularly tough to navigate but it is steep and unclear at some points. It took three tries just to find this ledge, and another 5 or 6 tries before Tahoma granted me something unique. The name I gave to this image is in commemoration of the many trips I took, and will probably still embark on, in a quest for perfection.
I’ve been up this trail so many times over a two year period. It’s not particularly tough to navigate but it is steep and unclear at some points. It took three tries just to find this ledge, and another 5 or 6 tries before Tahoma granted me something unique. The name I gave to this image is in commemoration of the many trips I took, and will probably still embark on, in a quest for perfection.